Active Uniform Announcement

Click below to view a brief, introductory message from Mr. Hale.

To dive into the details, see the FAQ section below (and check back periodically to see answers to new questions). To ask a question that hasn’t been addressed yet, scroll to the bottom of the FAQ section for instructions


Questions About the Uniform

What is the New Active Uniform?

The Active Uniform consists of a variety of clothing articles that provide students an abundance of options across three variables: length (long v. short), weight (cool v. warm), and material (basic cotton v. stretchy, sweat-wicking). All articles are navy blue and are clearly identifiable by a unique gold AHS logo designed exclusively for this uniform. See the image below for a sampling of articles that have been selected thus far.

When Will students be Expected to Wear the Active Uniform?

Students in middle and high school will be expected to wear the Active Uniform to participate in two activities: exercise-science courses offered during the curricular day, and practices for after-school athletics. There may be other times when this uniform is utilized (e.g., a coach desiring uniformity of a team during travel might have students travel in the Active Uniform).

Does this New Uniform Apply to K-5 Students?

No. Students in elementary school do not change for their exercise-science courses. Further, after-school athletics are not available until students age into middle school.

Can articles of the Active Uniform be Worn as Part of the Spirt-wear Uniform?

No. The Active Uniform is meant for times, places, and activities that are substantively different than the times, places, and activities where students wear the Spirit-wear Uniform. For example, students will wear the Spirit-wear Uniform to attend classes such as History, English, and Seminary. While we acknowledge the Spirit-wear uniform represents a step down the formality scale from the Monday – Thursday Uniform, the Active Uniform represents a further step down that is lower than we desire in the setting of our traditional classrooms.

Questions About Implementation of this New Policy

Where Can the Active Uniform be Purchased?

We will eventually have a website established where students who know their sizes can order items. We also have a large stock of uniform items housed at the school. Students can come to the school, try on items, and purchase what they need. The school store is located in room [Shauna to specify the room number] of the high school building.

When Can the Active Uniform be Purchased?

Purchases transacted through the forthcoming website can be made on demand. The storefront operated at the school will be open on specific dates/times throughout the year. To accommodate the initial spike in interest before school starts, we are making the following dates/times available before the first day of school:

  • [Shauna to specify dates/times]

When Will Students be Expected to Start Wearing the Active Uniform?

We know that some parents will have recently acquired active wear for their children that they have yet to outgrow. We appreciate the financial requirement this imposes on families. Beginning at the start of the 2024-25 year, we will require all middle and high school students participating in curricular exercise-science courses or after-school athletic practices to wear the Active Uniform. We encourage adoption of the uniform sooner than the required date for those who are able.

Other Questions

How Much of this Decision is about Modesty?

The primary objectives of this policy were outlined in the short video above. Additionally, modesty is always an interest when it comes to structuring the school’s dress and grooming standards. While we are allowing a season of transition before the wearing of the Active Uniform becomes a requirement of participation in exercise-science courses and after-school athletics practices, we are not allowing a season of transition on the question of modesty. Students and parents wanting to know where the school’s expectation are with respect to modesty can confidently look to the articles included in the Active Uniform as a guide. If a non-uniform article of clothing does not meet or exceed the coverage levels of the articles in the Active Uniform, we will provide sweatpants and sweatshirts for a student to wear over their own articles. In such circumstances, the student will be expected to have remedied the situation by the following class or practice.

What if I don’t like the Performance Aspects of the Active Uniform?

If a student prefers a specific item of active wear because of how it supports, minimizes skin-on-skin contact, or otherwise enables their desired level of performance, they are welcome to wear that item underneath the Active Uniform. Items worn under the Active Uniform should be completely or predominantly covered by the Active Uniform; if an added article becomes a distraction or point of distinction within a peer group, the student needs to find a way to completely cover the added article.

What if My Question Was Not Answered Above?

Click here to access our online comment box and submit a new question. Please make sure to include your contact information so we can clarify your question and follow-up with you.