Summer Camps & Community Bulletin Board

DISCLAIMER: PRODUCTS OR SERVICES POSTED ON THIS PAGE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH, SPONSORED BY, OR ENDORSED BY AMERICAN HERITAGE SCHOOL. This electronic bulletin board is offered as a community service to provide a single location where friends of the school community, including AHS employees, are permitted to share information about events, products, and services that may be of interest to the community at large. All information posted on this Community Bulletin Board is subject to review and approval by American Heritage School before posting, and may be withdrawn at any time. The School circulates this page to the school community on an occasional basis as new items are added; however, employees are advised that they are NOT to use school time, school e-mail, school resources, or school distribution lists or networks, to promote private business interests to students, parents, or colleagues at the school. VISITORS TO THIS BULLETIN BOARD ASSUME ALL RISK ASSOCIATED WITH PURCHASE OR PARTICIPATION WITH ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE POSTED ON THIS BOARD.