American Heritage School
8th Grade Summer Shakespeare Festival Tour

Date: July 15-16, 2020 (Wed.-Thurs.)

Estimated Cost: Cost per participant is estimated to be $250/student or parent, including tickets to three shows—Pirates of Penzance, Comedy of Errors, and Cymbeline—plus two museums, a backstage tour, lodging, transportation, Wednesday dinner, and Thursday breakfast and lunch.


  • Wednesday, July 15: Meet at American Heritage School at 8:00 a.m. for a devotional and final trip instructions. Leave AHS by 8:30 a.m. and arrive in Cedar City, Utah, in early afternoon. After hotel check-in and lunch, proceed to the 2:00 p.m. performance of Pirates of Penzance, performed in the Randall Jones Theater. After the play, visit Frontier Homestead State Park and Southern Utah Museum of Art. Dinner on Tuesday evening will be provided. Attend the “Greenshow” on the Shakespearean festival grounds and proceed to the 8:00 p.m. performance of Comedy of Errors at the new outdoor Engelstad Shakespeare Theatre. Lodging in Cedar City that evening at the Holiday Inn.
  • Thursday, July 16: Breakfast buffet at the hotel. Enjoy a private Backstage. Participate in a short nature hike, devotional, and lunch at Cedar Breaks National Park. Sack lunch provided. Attend 2:00 p.m. performance of Cymbeline. Return home that evening, arriving at AHS at approximately 8:30 p.m.

Meals: Bring sack meals or money for lunch on Wednesday and dinner on Thursday. A pizza dinner will be provided to eat before the Green Show on Wednesday evening, breakfast buffet is provided on Thursday morning, and a Subway sack lunch will be provided on Thursday afternoon. Don’t forget to eat a good breakfast on Wednesday before arriving at the school!

Lodging: Room rates are based on four people per room, each with two people sharing one queen bed. Students are required by AHS overnight travel policy to bring and sleep in their own personal sleeping bag. Parents who prefer only two people per room may pay the difference in room cost.

Transportation: Transportation is included in the $250 estimate unless we are unable to obtain volunteer parent drivers, in which case we will need to make a decision about alternative transportation methods, such as chartering a bus, which could increase the cost. Volunteer drivers will be reimbursed for fuel costs.

For More Information: Utah Shakespeare Festival:

Please check your child’s summer schedules to avoid conflicts; tour reservations are non-refundable,
and return the registration documents by Wednesday, MARCH 4, 2020.