Merit-based Scholarships (available to high school only; grades 9–12): Merit-based scholarships are awarded based upon two primary criteria: (1) mission-fitness of the student and family (demonstrated desire by the student/family to be at the school for its unique faith-oriented culture; consistently demonstrated respect by the student/family for the school’s Honor Code, including willingness to support and serve teachers and staff); and (2) demonstrated academic excellence (top 3–5% of class, depending upon availability of funds). Applications for merit-based scholarships are submitted after the student has been with the school for at least one semester, and typically are not awarded until faculty and administration have had a full year’s cycle of performance to observe. Merit-based scholarships for full-time enrollment are not currently available based exclusively upon athletic or performing arts ability; however, special skills and experience in specific non-academic disciplines (athletics, dance, music, art, etc.) may be taken into consideration in connection with a need-based or merit-based financial aid application where primary consideration is given by the school to mission fitness and academic excellence.

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