2023–24 American Heritage School Welcome Guide
Getting to Know Us!
New Faculty & Staff
Click here to view our new faculty and staff!
Foundations Training for Faculty and New Parents
Coming soon!
K–5 Meet Your Teacher
This year more than ever, our teachers are excited and ready to meet your child as they become part of the American Heritage School family again, or for the first time.
In order for us to meet your child in a one-on-one setting, and to be prepared to meet the reading needs of each child as the school year begins, each teacher will be individually assessing their students in reading prior to the first day of school. The feedback will inform instruction and help the teacher meet each student at his/her learning threshold from the very first day of school. We will be able to share with you your child’s beginning-of-year reading level as well as the end-of-year goal.
Please sign up for an available time using Veracross to get access to this spreadsheet: K-5 Reading Assessment Sign-Up
Our preference is for all students to sign up for one of the available times in the summer. However, if the available time slots do not work with your summer plans, you may contact the teacher directly to organize a different time. We look forward to meeting both you and your child.
(Please bring your child’s school supplies and emergency comfort kit to this appointment.)
If you ordered school supplies from EPI, those supplies will be delivered to the school. If not, you need to purchase the supplies and bring them to the appointment.
Grades 6–12 Orientation Day
Coming Soon!
High School Electives and Extracurricular Activities
High School Graduation Requirements
K–12 School Maps
Coming soon!
K–12 Bell Schedules
Parent Service Organization (PSO)
Welcome to the Parent Service Organization (PSO) at American Heritage!
Every parent at AHS is a member of the PSO. We work together to support our amazing teachers and administrators! There are many opportunities to serve throughout the year to help each household reach the 30 hours of required service. I can say from experience that serving at AHS will create connections and help build relationships within our school community that will be a great blessing to your family! I look forward to working together as we lift one another and support the mission of the school!
Katie Lawyer—PSO President
The Parent Service Organization plans and facilitates parent service opportunities at AHS that advance the mission of the school. We work with teachers and administrators to assist with special events and other opportunities that lift and serve AHS students, teachers, and families.
Sign up to serve as a room parent for your child’s class to oversee one of the following:
Volunteer coordinator, photography, celebrations, holidays
- Pizza Mondays
- Kindergarten Lunchroom
- Main building Lunchroom
- High school Lunchroom
- Heritage Gardens
- Patriot reading group
- Room Parent Support
- High school Dances
- Spirit wear sales
- Experiential learning weeks
August- Uniform Re-sale, Spirit wear Sale, New parent Q&A
Sept- Picture Day, Grandparents Day, Book Fair, Constitution Day
Oct- Picture Retakes
Nov- Christmas Decor, Patriot Reading Group
Dec- Faculty Luncheon, Teddy Bear, Christmas Decor Take down
Jan- Faculty Dinners, Uniform Re-sale, Book Fair, New parent Q&A, Spelling Bee
Feb- Faculty Dinners, Book Fair
Mar- Middle and HS Experiential Learning, Family Dance
April- Teacher appreciation Week
May- Faculty luncheon, Field Day, Elementary Experiential learning
* Join the official PSO announcement GroupMe page for on going service opportunities and other PSO info
* Find all sign ups on the PSO webpage in Veracross
* Watch for PSO quarterly emails
Meet the Library
We are a K–12 outreach library that will be serving all three of the American Heritage campuses. The stacks in our library contain family-friendly books at all grade levels. We strive to provide quality literature that invites the Spirit and inspires a love for reading. We acquire library materials through donations as well as from the proceeds of our two semi-annual book fairs held in conjunction with Parent Teacher Conferences. Donated items are carefully screened for content and age-appropriateness before being placed into circulation. Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade have a scheduled weekly library time during which they are invited to check out books. All students and families may come to the library before school between 8–8:30 a.m. or after school from 3:10–4:30 p.m. to check out books or work on homework.
The library also serves as the textbook distribution center of the school. All textbooks are checked in and out through the library. While textbooks are issued in various conditions, efforts are made to repair and maintain books as needed. Students will note the condition in the front of the textbook at the beginning of the year. Books should be returned at the end of the year in the best condition possible. If you have concerns about the condition of the textbook that is issued to your child, please contact the Librarian. Fines will be assessed for excessive damage or lost textbooks.
Yearbooks will be held until all school materials are returned or fines are paid. Students and families may access the library through OPAC to view available books and place reserves. Library and textbooks may be checked out during the summer months as well. Parents are welcome and invited to serve in the school library as part of the 30 hours of required service. We have opportunities to help preview donated materials, returning books to circulation, processing new acquisitions, as well as textbook checkout and return. If you are interested in serving in the library, please contact Levi Crockett, the school librarian. We look forward to serving you!
Guided Reading Leveled Library
We have a second small library that services kindergarten through third grade students. Leveled reading books are sent home with each child regularly to offer added support and encourage reading practice at home. Leveled reading books can be adjusted to meet the individual needs of each child. Reading assessments are given throughout the school year to measure student growth and to best determine the leveled books that will be sent home. Leveled reading books are exchanged by aides under the direction of the classroom teacher. The Guided Reading Library has proven to be a valuable resource to strengthen the reading skills of the children and offer support to families.
Targeted Diagnostic Instruction (TDI)
The goal for Targeted Diagnostic Instruction (TDI) is to offer quality differential instruction specifically targeted to enhance the language arts skills and learning needs of individual students within the classroom. TDI enables the teacher to be diagnostic in identifying individual student progress and tailoring purposeful instruction that targets the specific skills needed. Teachers are given the autonomy to have more fluid groups which allows the children to receive quality individual, small group, and whole class instruction.
Homecoming and Constitution Day Festival
Fine Arts and Athletics Offerings
7–12 Athletics Fall Tryout Information
We encourage all 7–12 students to tryout for one our athletic teams! All students need a current physical (taken after June 1, 2023). Needed forms are here:
Cross Country is running now for boys and girls grades 6–12! Contact Coach Tiffany Garfield to get details on summer running sessions and the upcoming season.
7–12 participation fee: $225
6th grade participation fee (cannot run in meets): $175
25 & 26: 5–6:30 p.m. Varsity/JV co-ed baseball tryouts. Contact Coach Blake Jansen for more information.
Participation fee: $475 varsity, JV fee TBD
25 & 27: 9–10:30 a.m. High School Girls Soccer Team Tryouts. Contact Coach Ellie Stafford for more information.
Participation fee: $475
31: 9–10:30 a.m. High School Girls Tennis Tryouts. Contact Coach Jeffrey Butler for more information.
Participation fee: $375
31: 2–6 p.m., Aug. 1: 3–6 p.m., Fox Hollow Golf Course (meet at the driving range): Boys Varsity Golf tryouts. As explained in the spring player and parent meetings, boys need to complete and record 10 18-hole rounds of golf and establish a USGA handicap to be eligible for tryouts. Please contact Head Coach Rod Morley for more information by clicking here.
Participation fee: $400
31: 3:30–5:30 p.m. Girls Varsity Volleyball. Contact Coach Katelynn Maki for more information.
Participation fee: $450
August: Middle School Boys and Girls Tennis registration with Utah Youth Tennis is open. Practice is allowed to start Aug. 28. Participation fee TBD. Contact girls Coach Candice Beckwith or boys Coach Justin McKenzie for more information.
7-9: Back-to-School Basketball Boys and Girls Camps with Coach Winitana. See posters below. Contact Coach Winitana for more information.
16: School begins
23: 3:30–4:30 p.m. Boys Middle School Soccer. Contact Coach Stephen Blake for more information.
Participation fee: $325
Heritage Youth Choirs
Lyceum Youth Orchestras
Lyceum Youth Orchestras at American Heritage School have reached the top of the Billboard Charts, been featured on PBS with The Piano Guys, recorded for SONY Masterworks, and have been viewed over 100 million times on YouTube! Each year we place nearly every graduate into top-notch music schools across the country. Accomplished young musicians, ages 6 to 18, travel from schools across the state to participate in this comprehensive after-school youth orchestras program.
- Inspire—nurture a love of elevated music, increase faith and patriotism through purposeful events and media.
- Instruct—develop self-discipline, skills, and character through transformational teaching and professional-
level experience and interaction. - Impact—awaken individuals, families and communities to the power music has to change hearts and minds while fulfilling the divine potential of our participants.
For more info or to submit your audition online see www.LoveMusicMore.com.
Limited Openings in all 8 of our orchestras serving students ages 6 to 18 ranging from basic music readers to advanced.
We strive to meet every student at the threshold of their learning!
With eight ensembles ranging from basic music reader to expert level, the Lyceum Youth Orchestras Program at American Heritage School provides the most award-winning and comprehensive orchestra experience in Utah. Last year’s graduating class had nearly a 100% scholarship placement rate. Students are mentored and motivated by world-class faculty and guest artists to develop not only the body and the mind, but also the soul. String players K–12 and Wind/Brass/Perc. players 7–12 are invited to audition!
Fall Play Tryouts—Drama Dept.
Coming soon!
Forms and Lists
Medical Authorization
2023–24 Calendar of Days
K–5 School Supplies Lists
6–8 School Supplies Lists