6–12 Math Learning Supports

We treat the classroom as the most concentrated arena where learning occurs. Interventions outside of the classroom are necessary not only during a curriculum implementation phase but also, in the case of some interventions, into perpetuity.

School-based Interventions

  • Supplemental Group Teaching – This is offered about three times per week during advisory periods (~30 minutes just before lunch on Tuesday – Thursday) by math teachers. Students who need repetition on a concept or who missed a class period and need to be introduced to a concept can join these topic-specific group lessons.
  • One-on-one Teaching – This is offered on demand, twice daily, five days a week. Students can visit with their math teacher before school (8:10 – 8:30 a.m.) or after school (3:10 – 3:30 p.m.) to seek individualized assistance.

Home-based Interventions

  • Tier-one Support – Supplemental videos available on Veracross are categorized by unit and lesson, they are usually 20-25 minutes in length, and they serve to allow the student to have a teacher guide them through the lesson again (giving the student the ability to pause and replay as needed). Links for the video libraries by course can be found at the Home Math Resource.
  • Tier-two Support – Parents who want to act as a point of escalation for students who struggle after attempting the aforementioned interventions can access (on Veracross) digital versions of the teacher texts. They can also access digital texts written by the curriculum publishers and intended for the student and the parent. Links for the digital texts by course can be found at the Home Math Resource page.