
Centered in Christ

American Heritage School has had a focus on character education since its inception. Indeed, this was the primary motivation of the school’s founders. Many educational institutions try to implement “character education” programs with fashionable ethics-based buzz words like grit or conscientiousness. At American Heritage School, our focus on Christian character predates popular movements and will endure long after they end. We understand that Christian character cannot be easily distilled to a few categories but is rather the sum product of one’s ability to recognize a standard of truth (Jesus Christ and His gospel) and then to govern one’s thoughts, private behaviors, and treatment of others in accordance with that standard.

Influenced by Example

In addition to being oriented toward Jesus Christ, students’ understanding of strong moral character is aided by studying the examples of true heroes whose selfless pursuits are worthy of emulation. For example, history lessons are ordered around the milestone lives of men and women of character who became key instruments in the hands of God for the advancement of His plan. Literature lessons spring from carefully selected readings by authors who provide honest portrayals of the link between choices and their natural consequences. In both history and literature, students learn to analyze lives as they distinguish the paths that ultimately lead to lasting joy.

Refined Through Experience

We point our students toward a high standard, and then we lovingly help them meet that standard every day. Whether in the heat of an athletic competition or among peers passing in a hallway, life presents our students with regular opportunities to practice the lessons they are learning. Collectively, they rise to the expectations and maintain a culture of goodness, inclusivity, and respect. Individually, they are afforded space to fail safely, learn from their experience, and try again. We count these among the most meaningful and memorable lessons learned at American Heritage School.